

Hustings - 13th June

We hosted a hustings for all candidates in the General Election. We are delighted that all 5 candidates standing in this constituency (Glastonbury and Somerton) attended.

You can watch a recording of the event here: CLICK HERE


Brue Larder


Brue Larder logo

The Brue Larder receives donations of food and other essential items and distributes them locally to anyone in need. Brue Larder is run by volunteers.

To contact Brue Larder:

phone - 07392 581119

email -

The items needed each week vary, depending on people's needs and what is held in stock.


Bruton Community Hall

The Community Hall at Plox is run by an independent committee. Enquiries and bookings can be made via their website at


One Planet Bruton

One Planet Bruton logo

One Planet Bruton is a community group working towards a sustainable future. You can visit its website here: One Planet Bruton

The group has recently prepared some handy tips for reducing energy use when cooking at home: Low Energy Cooking Tips.pdf


good company

logo for good company

good company is Bruton’s local community interest company. Volunteer-run, the company was conceived and set up in 2021 to make it as easy as possible for residents and businesses to help make Bruton an even better place to live in: by giving money, time or both. At the moment (early 2023) amongst other things the company supports Brue Larder – Bruton’s food bank and Bruton Supports Ukraine, and is raising funds for the BruBowl, a new local skatepark.

To get involved or find out more visit: